How to save sensor output from ESP8266 to MySQL Database (Part 1 – ESP8266 as a Microcontroller)

Today we’re going to learn how to connect ESP8266 to website that store the inputs to MySQL. To help you, I have created the example website here. This tutorial focuses on storing the sensor output to website, while providing the website that already works. Next part would be building the website itself. This tutorial uses… Continue reading How to save sensor output from ESP8266 to MySQL Database (Part 1 – ESP8266 as a Microcontroller)

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How to use 16×2 LCD with I2C on Arduino and Wemos

After we discussed how to install drivers and additional tool tools for Wemos Uno here, this time we will discuss how to program LCD in Arduino and Wemos. It seems, this Eid Mubarak holiday will be wasted by writing tutorials.

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WeMos D1 R3 Wifi Arduino Uno Compatible – Driver Installation and IDE

WeMos D1 is an IoT board that is compatible with Arduino Uno … they said. I bought this from Tokopedia for Rp 74,000 (approx US $ 6), and looks not too shabby.

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Laporan Praktikum Sistem Embedded Modul ARDX CIRC-03 – Transistor dan Motor

Apa yang kita lakukan  Pin arduino bisa mengendalikan benda elektronik kecil seperti LED. Tapi, ketika bermain dengan sesuatu yang lebih besar (seperti motor mainan atau mesin cuci), kita perlu transistor external. Transistor berguna untuk menyambung dan memutus arus besar dengan arus yang kecil. Sebuah transistor punya 3 pin. Untuk transistor negatif (NPN), kamu menghubungkan load… Continue reading Laporan Praktikum Sistem Embedded Modul ARDX CIRC-03 – Transistor dan Motor

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Laporan Praktikum Sistem Embedded Modul ARDX CIRC-09 – Foto resistor

Apa yang kita lakukan? Mendapatkan inputan dari potensiometer bisa berguna untuk eksperimen yang dikendalikan manusia, tapi gimana kalau kita mau eksperimen yang dikendalikan lingkungan? Kita menggunakan prinsip yang hampir sama, tapi dibandingkan menggunakan potensiometer, kita pakai photo resistor (light dependent resistor / sensor cahaya). Arduino gak bisa merasakan resistansi langsung (dia merasakan voltage), jadi kita… Continue reading Laporan Praktikum Sistem Embedded Modul ARDX CIRC-09 – Foto resistor

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Instagram Video June 08, 2017 at 08:17AM

Next: Roland D-BEAM imitation using Passive Infrared Sensor, over MIDI. #ArduinoUno #Arduino #IamPCRyourenext #ARDX #Controllerism #RolandSynth @arduinoorg @roland_us Video URL

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How much current can I draw from the Arduino’s pins?

What’s the maximum amount of current which I can draw from each of the Arduino’s pins without tripping any of the internal fuses? Is there a limit per pin as well as an overall limit for the whole board? This is a bit complex. Basically, there are a number of limiting factors.

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Laporan Praktikum Sistem Embedded Modul 14 – Studi kasus LED (Arduino)

TUJUAN Mahasiswa mampu mengimplementasikan animasi LED menggunakan Arduino

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